Endorsed by a distinguished IFBB pro in the men's wheelchair category

Nick, an IFBB pro in wheelchair bodybuilding, wholeheartedly endorses the Drop Set Pin. He knows the unique needs of athletes like him, and his approval confirms our product's outstanding performance and adaptability for training till failure. Nick's endorsement spotlights our pin's exceptional versatility. It's the ultimate choice for dropsetters, from pros to fitness enthusiasts. This proves our product's quality, design, and high-level performance, perfect for even the most demanding workouts. Boost your fitness journey with Nick's expert-backed choice!

The Drop Set Pin™

The most time-saving and efficient way to perform your group set while training!

  • 1-second Drop Set: Achieve peak performance with our rapid 1-second drop set feature, perfect for dedicated dropsetters.
  • High-Intensity Workouts: Elevate your training to new heights and maximize muscle growth through high-intensity routines.
  • Automatic Pop-out Pin Design: Our user-friendly design ensures seamless performance by automatically adjusting the weights.
  • Safety & Security: Prioritizing safety, our product guarantees a secure workout environment, ideal for dropsetters who demand top performance.

Real customer feedbacks

Our One More Rep brand has tons of real customer feedback, and it's all legit - no fakes here!

Why do I need drop set pin ?

Let's talk about the benefits of drop sets first:

Why choose drop sets? Drop sets are a dynamic and strategic technique embraced by fitness enthusiasts, especially dropsetters, for their multifaceted performance-enhancing benefits.

  • Muscle Exhaustion for Growth: Drop sets push muscles to their limits, fostering muscle growth and increased performance.
  • Time-Efficient Workouts: Target muscles intensely in a single set, significantly reducing workout duration for busy dropsetters.
  • Breaking Plateaus: An effective method for smashing through strength and muscle gain plateaus.
  • Variety & Avoiding Monotony: Adds refreshing variety to your routine, preventing workout monotony and enhancing overall performance.
  • Heightened Intensity: Achieve a more intense workout without increasing weights.
  • Endurance Boost: Improves muscular endurance due to prolonged muscle engagement.
  • Efficient Fat Burn: Encourages muscle burn, aiding fat loss goals while optimizing performance.
  • Stimulating Hypertrophy: Provokes muscle hypertrophy by creating micro-tears in muscles.

Incorporating drop sets strategically can lead to impressive muscle development, enhanced endurance, and a more dynamic workout routine.

Why choose a Drop Set Pin? A drop set pin is an indispensable tool in the world of gym equipment, offering a host of benefits to elevate your workout performance with Drop Set Pin.

  • Efficiency & Performance Enhancement: Streamlines weight adjustments, saving valuable time during sets, and enhancing overall performance.
  • Precision & Error Reduction: Ensures precise weight changes, minimizing errors for a seamless performance.
  • Reduced Fatigue: Lessens physical strain, conserving energy for exercises, resulting in better overall performance with our Drop Set Pin.
  • Focused Workouts: Allows better concentration on exercises rather than adjustments, boosting overall exercise quality.
  • Optimal Form: Supports maintaining proper lifting technique, crucial for peak performance.
  • Time Savings: Cumulatively saves time across a workout session, making it a preferred choice for time-conscious dropsetters.
  • Versatility for Enhanced Performance: Enables swift transitions between different weights, enhancing overall performance.
  • Enhanced Variety: Facilitates efficient changes for diverse exercise routines, promoting improved performance.
  • Seamless Experience: Maintains a consistent workout flow and rhythm, optimizing overall performance.
  • Advanced Techniques: Particularly useful for advanced techniques like drop sets, ensuring the highest level of performance.

Whether you're at a commercial gym or working out at home, the drop set pin's compatibility with various weight stacks makes it a versatile addition. It's a small investment with a significant impact on your training journey. So, if you're looking to streamline your weightlifting routine, embrace advanced training methods, and optimize your workouts for maximum gains, a drop set pin is an essential tool you shouldn't be without.